With the acquisition of the British online retailer for office furniture OfficeFurnitureOnline at the end of January and the Swedish business equipment supplier Runelandhs in May, TAKKT has expanded its portfolio with two more profitable companies.
The newport group – newly formed at the beginning of the year – bundles the existing solely web-based businesses Certeo and BiGDUG of the Business Equipment Group as well as the July 2017 acquired Mydisplays under a single roof. This reorganization will provide an environment for the younger, fast-growing web-focused business models in which they can more powerfully and independently position their branding, their product assortments and their technology infrastructure in the market. In addition, the TAKKT investment company (TAKKT Beteiligungsgesellschaft) with its investments in innovative start-ups will be brought into the new division, which is now part of the TAKKT EUROPE segment.